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21.06. - 09.07.2024


INNOSpace Masters

We are proud to report that we successfully took part in the “INNOspace Masters Challenge” with our moon dust transport system and were able to prove ourselves as one of the top 3 teams of the OHB challenge. With the finale ending on July 9th. and the good news, we are even more excited to continue working on our system and researching it. We were also invited to Berlin on October 9th as one of the winning teams to exchange ideas with interested parties and experts. Our success and the interest shown to us makes us happy and shows that the topic of space resources and their use is becoming more important and is no longer just a point of the future.

06.14 - 06.16.2024

Kimiko Festival

This year we had a joint stand at the Kimiko Festival with the other members of TechAachen. We were not only able to present ourselves to the students again, but also share our idea with the public.

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05.16 - 05.19.2024


BVSR Conference

We are pleased to report that the MoonAixperts Aachen are now a members of the Bundesverband studentischer Raumfahrt e.V. - BVSR. In addition to visiting the Dornier Museum in Friedrichshafen and some exciting presentations, we also had the opportunity to exchange ideas with other student initiatives, clubs and like-minded people. We are excited about this opportunity to expand our horizons and are excited to follow the development of the other projects. We are also looking forward to welcoming, together with the Space Team Aachen e.V., the BVSR conference in Aachen, next year. Many thanks to SeeSat e.V. for organizing this year's conference!


Day of Student Initiatives

This summer semester we had the opportunity to present ourselves at the "Day of student initiatives" (TDSI) at RWTH Aachen. On this day every Initiativ has the opportunity to present themselves to the public in Aachen, especially the students. We were happy about many interesting conversations and hope we could awaken an interest in space travel, usage of ressources and our future in connection with the moon. A big thank you to the AStA for the organization!


03.25 - 03.27.2024


Luxembourg Space Resources Week

This year we had the opportunity to take part in the Luxembourg Space Resources Week for the second time. The conference was a welcome opportunity to discuss next steps and further collaboration with industry and research institutions. This emerging market, space resources, needs companies to connect with researchers, visionaries and space organizations. We are proud to be part of this community. We are happy to follow the development of the industry and to be able to help shape it. And thus, we agree with the motto of the conference: “No one can achieve this alone.”


BDI Space Congress

At this year's BDI Space Congress in Berlin, some of our team members were able to meet well-known names such as Anna Christmann and former RWTH Alumni Matthias Maurer, as well as the Space Team Berlin. While the focus of the congress was largely on the terrestrial benefits of space technologies, we discussed a wide range of ISRU topics with our student colleagues. During the course of the day we were able to make many new contacts with industrial partners and are already looking forward to a possible collaboration.




Hackathon - World Mining Conference

At this year's World Mining Conference in Brisbane, we had the chance to present our ISRU plans to a larger international audience for the first time. As part of a student hackathon, we had to research use-case concepts for a ISRU value-added chain. The winner got a presentation slot at the conference. Within 24 hours, five of our team members worked out framework conditions, problems and solution approaches, which should ultimately convince the jury of our concept. This led to a race of our own between us and Team UNSW Aussienauts. Although the MoonAixperts barely could not take the first place, they were still able to convince everyone involved of the quality of their results. Thanks to that, we were able to secure a place at the WMC 2023 together with UNSW! We are very pleased that our plans for the moon have received such a positive response and are currently using this enthusiasm to continue working on our system in the off-season.

05.29 - 06.03.2023

Over The Dusty Moon - Challenge

At the beginning of June, we had the opportunity to take part in the "Over the Dusty Moon" challenge. Thank you to the Colorado School of Mines and Lockheed Martin for hosting this great competition! Despite initial difficulties, we were able to successfully take part in the competition. We are proud to have shown that our concept works. Congratulations to all the teams, especially to the winning team SpaceTeam AGH! Our team members also deserve a word of thanks for their great work. Through exchanges with industry representatives, scientists and the other participants in the competition, we were able to collect many new, interesting ideas at the "Space Resource Roundtable". It is also something special to see how much is happening in the "In-Situ-Resource-Utilization" (ISRU) sector. Being able to witness and help shape progress is what drives us to move forward. Our conveyor principle has delivered promising results in our test, so it is now important to be able to reproduce these consistently in large numbers. Participation showed us again how important practical experience is. We are happy to be able to continue working on our system and to improve it further. If you are interested in the ISRU topic and want to learn more, please do not hesitate to ask us!

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Start of production for the OTDM 2023

We are delighted to announce that our team has qualified for the final phase of the Over The Dusty Moon Challenge (Colorado School of Mines & Lockheed Martin) for the second time. Currently, we are modifying and working on our regolith transport system (regONE) to improve its performance. This year’s challenge is a new chapter for MoonAixperts and its new members to demonstrate and unveil the new regONE in Colorado and exchange knowledge with other teams and experts. We are looking forward to seeing some familiar faces this June, Stay tuned!


Visiting the German Aerospace Center

It was a great honor for us to give a presentation about our project and our team at DLR in Cologne. The subsequent tour in the DLR and ESA facilities were an unforgettable experience. Many thanks to Matthias Sperl and his team for this great opportunity!

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On to the next round!

What do you do after building something incredible? You do it again! After some changes in our team, we are planing on participating in the next "Over the dusty Moon Challenge" !


Final in Denver, Co

We are thrilled to announce that we have successfully participated in the Over The Dusty Moon Challenge. In particular, we are pleased to receive the award for the most innovative system. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to everyone who supported us and especially to Colorado School of Mines both for organizing the competition and for the great support they gave us!

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From Aachen to the US

After long hours of production we handed over our system to our partner DHL, who will ship the system regONE to the Finale in Denver, Colorado. We would like to thank DHL and Gmöhling for their support of our team!


Meeting with minister Andreas Pinkwart

Today we had the chance to present our project and some already finished parts to Mr. Andreas Pinkwart the minister of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Protection and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia. We were also pleased to welcome the chancellor of RWTH AACHEN UNIVERSITY Mr. Nettekoven and former rector of our university Mr. Schmachtenberg.

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New team members & start of production

After testing an we were in a hurry to build our system since we had a hard deadline with the finale. Therefore we extended our team by three people - welcome Karen, Kjeld and Malte! Last but not least we would love to thank RWTHs Institute SLA for providing us their lab for the production!


Testing has started

We are excited to announce that the testing of our first prototype started today!Many thanks to the Institute of Electrical Machines (IEM) of RWTH Aachen University for providing us a test bench and two electrical motors. Keeping with that theme we would like to thank RWTHs Institute of Institute for Advanced Mining Technologies (AMT), which manufactured several parts of our prototype and provided Lunar Highlands Simulant (LHS).




Submission completed

After doing a lot of research and direct interchange with leading researchers like Hiroyuki Kawamoto from Waseda University we had a promising vision of our concept to be. Only a few weeks were left, and a lot of work had to be done. Time was a resource. The next weeks were dominated by further research, complex calculations, and long nights of designing. The payoff is a concept we can proudly present and that is supported by all our means.


The start of something big

This is our team for participation in the 2021 Over The Dusty Moon Challenge. We look forward to the exciting challenges ahead!



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Colorado School of Mines announces staging of Over The Dusty Moon Challenge

Our team of 6 RWTH students came together in October after RWTH's SLA and AMT nudged us toward this project.

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